Frame our aspirations and the impact we might have over the next five years.
Seek inspiration to inform our vision of the future of work, internal communications, and the purpose of Genentech Internal Communications.
Imagine the future of Genentech Internal Communications—why it might matter, how it might work, and what it might do.
Bring our vision of the future of Genentech Internal Communications to life so that we can more deeply understand the transformation we might lead.
Identify the biggest questions our vision presents and explore how we might learn the answers to those questions.
Welcome and integrate ideas, insights, and knowledge of our teammates, Internal Communications colleagues, and inspirational outsiders.
Internal Communications has a clear vision of the future that we can act on:
We are aligned on the major elements of the 2017 plan for Internal Communications:
Dare to make a difference.
Find fresh inspiration.
Expand what’s possible.
Gain insights through making.
Discover what works.
Achieve impact sooner.
Deflection Point
So That...
It‘s Imperative
Milestone Making
Walk & Talk
Trend Takeover
Outlaw Raid
Brand Takeover
The Big Yes!
Name It
Learn From Investment
Do It on Monday
Matters Most
Moments That Matter
Impact x Doability
Stack It
Waypoints 3-Year Plan
Why: Deliver a meaningful experience to employees—make them Genentech Proud.
How: We’re going to radically change how we deliver that experience over the next 3.5 years—starting now. This will be done within the CR strategic framework.
What: We will tell compelling stories and create epic experiences better than ever. We have six new epic programs we would like to pursue.
The core mission of Internal Comms (IC) is to protect and grow Genentech’s and Roche’s ability to do now what patients need next.
We do this by:
The result: A committed and loyal workforce that is Genentech Proud.
Genentech Proud is how we define our overarching goal for 2017 and beyond.
When employees understand and appreciate what Genentech does—and why—they become more deeply engaged with their work and colleagues. They become ambassadors, inside and outside Genentech, who share and strengthen our focus on Science, People, and Patients.
Pride, in our collective accomplishments and company culture, is a convincing reason to work at Genentech—and a compelling reason to stay.
We’re proud of what we’ve done in the past. But the way people communicate and participate has changed rapidly and radically. At the same time, our company structure has shifted, becoming a hub/remote model that requires a new approach.
We call this approach Mobile Mindset.
Going forward we will have to retool and expand our team’s skill sets and change our mindset in a very fundamental way. This shift will change how we work as individuals, within our team, and with other teams. We will evolve what we produce, as well as for whom, how, and when we produce it.
The human brain is amazing at seeing and understanding information, getting an emotional hit from it (I like that, I feel happy, that’s not good), then searching for more information—all in a matter of seconds.
Communication is trending toward shorter and more ephemeral interactions. Our current content and distribution channels do not reflect this trend.
Moving forward:
We will reconsider the balance between quickly produced content that grabs attention, sparks interest, and is quickly consumed, versus long-form content that gives highly detailed information.
We will work to build our short-form muscles. We will experiment with media and formats—video, imagery, memes, SMS, social—to learn what works within Genentech and what doesn’t, and what we can build ourselves and where we might need to augment our capabilities.
This change will not be easy! Not only does it go against, in many cases, what we’re really good at and have been doing for a long time, but it is also something that is particularly hard to do.
We will design and execute small bets so that we can more quickly understand our communication challenges and learn what works—and what doesn’t.
We will pursue A/B/C testing for channels and content.
Experimentation 2016
Budget ask: $ XXXX
The IC Team will pursue and embrace outside opportunities for skill development and leadership.
We will actively seek inspiration and learning from others, not only in how they communicate but in how they work and organize themselves. This objective includes learning from other organizations (Zappos, Gates Foundation) as well as nonobvious experts in the communications field (Casey Neistat, movie studios, ad agencies, etc.).
Outside Development and Education
Budget ask: $ XXXXX
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
We need to change how we collaborate within our team and with others.
We want to break down physical and organizational silos. Instead of closeting ourselves in our offices and cubes, we need to be more collaborative—working cross-skill, cross-role, cross-title, and cross-team.
We want to reshape our work environment with a denser, more open collaborative workspace, with offices turned into breakout spaces. This change directly supports the CR Team Imperative to Improve CR Systems & Processes.
Facilities Management
Budget ask: $ XXXXX
Change requires choices. We will have to stop doing some things we are proud of, are good at, and enjoy doing if they no longer serve the needs of Genentech. We must be open to saying good-bye.
So much content is produced by the CR team, across Genentech, and by Roche. While IC will remain a communication producer, we will leverage other efforts—embracing a more efficient model that includes aggregation, curation, and distribution of content produced by others.
These are the filters we will apply across every effort.
Success is:
Content is accessible to all types of employees in all locations, including global. Whether on campus or working from their kitchen table, all employees feel Genentech Proud.
On Tone/Creative
Our voice is clear and recognizable throughout all our content (all channels and forms). Our work reflects who we are—smart, witty, irreverent—so our audience looks forward to engaging with us.
We consistently engage up to the exec team and out to influencers, so that our resources become widely adopted and trusted.
Right Content/Right Place
We surprise and delight by creating content our audience wants and distributing it via channels and formats that make it easy to consume and easy to get back to work.
With an almost entirely new GEC in place for the start of 2017, we have the opportunity and need to introduce our new leaders while also giving Ian a fitting good-bye. This change is an opportunity for us to try new things and provide our incoming (and existing) leaders with a way to forge meaningful connections with employees quickly.
Revisit the employee onboarding process, and consider how to continually re-onboard existing employees with the goal of building and maintaining their excitement and commitment to Genentech long term.
A program that explains why, how, and what we do—so our employees can tell others. How does our business really work? How do we calculate pricing? Who buys our stuff? Do they buy it by the vial? Where does our development money come from?
There are many questions and much unsaid or misunderstood of Genentech—even by those who have been here for a decade or more. Taking inspiration from The Big Short (easy-to-understand, entertaining breakdowns of complicated concepts), we can spread empowering information that helps alleviate our employees’ Pharma Guilt and arms them with the language and stories to explain their pride.
Literally have no idea—over to Heather on this one!
The Big Bold How changes a lot! What are the new channels that we will need, or what will need to change on the existing channels to support our new vision of the future? We will want to partner with the Digital Team to run a series of experiments to iterate towards the next version of gWiz.
This powerful story can be used to strengthen culture and reputation, demonstrating how everyone at Genentech and the broader, less obvious ecosystem work together to focus on “one life”—the life of the patient.
Note to IR team: This story could even bring in some of the work Greg is doing with Markus on in Sub-Saharan Africa (the journey someone has to go to get Avastin or Herceptin there—mind blowing and humbling).
We have opportunities for small bets on the calendar, including:
We used Matters Most—a Move Fast Drill—and uncovered a new way of segmenting the market beyond demographics and departments.
Genentech Executive Committee
People who read only on mobile
Employees active on Social
IC Team
People producing great content
Potential employees
Entitled employees
People who don’t read
New employees
Influencer employees
Brand ambassadors
Top performers
Key contributors
Employee at 5–7 years (highest likelihood of leaving)
HR team
People who Snapchat
Early adopters
GPTW subcontractors
Contingent workers
Team 1
Front-line managers
(especially early and new ones)
Employees we want to have stay, but who are thinking about leaving
Team 2
Influencer employees
(engaged employees, brand ambassadors, and leaders without titles)
New employees
Team 3
Employees who are active on social media, and early adopters
Genentech Executive Committee
We used Moments that Matter—a Move Fast Drill—to put the needs and opportunities of the people who matter most to us at the center of our development efforts.
We created:
Insight into moments that happen—and that need a response—and moments we can create.
Hypotheses on which moments matter most relative to the Blitz Challenge.
We used Deflection Point—a Be Bold Drill—to depart from the status quo and change things from how they are to how they might be for those who matter most to us. We surfaced:
We used Moonshot—a Be Bold Drill—to boldly seek challenges and opportunities that exist beyond the limitations of the status quo. We imagined our impact as others would tell us we were crazy for trying. After the drill, we understood how we might:
We used So That—a Be Bold Drill—to take a step back and consider
the mindset and values we wanted to bring to the challenge—and the difference those values will make. We identified:
We used It’s Imperative—a Be Bold Drill—to reveal the work that matters most and where we possess the ability to make a real difference.
We used three Let Go Drills—Trend Takeover, Outlaw Raid, and Brand Takeover—to imagine solutions out of the traditional solution set. We surfed trends, imagined ourselves as the most inspiring business people, and examined other inspirational brands to create:
We used Impact X Doability—a Move Fast Drill—to use the collective wisdom of the team to rapidly sort, evaluate, and select the most compelling and highest potential ideas.
We used Name It—a Make Stuff Drill—to bring ideas to life to understand their potential—and to allow them to inspire other potential solutions. After the drill, we had:
Name: Magnificent Milestones
Tagline: Keep that first-day feeling.
Name: Straight Outta SSF/EC Does It.
Tagline: Be There When the Mic Dropz!
We used Learn From Investment—a Bet Small drill—to learn more about the true nature of our challenge, our opportunity, and what about our emerging solution works—and doesn’t. We discovered:
We used Do It on Monday—a Bet Small Drill—to focus on the most important questions raised by our solutions. We designed small bets to help us learn the most with the fewest resources. We embraced unexpected results as the entry point to possible breakthroughs.
We produced a:
Idea: Know How
Question: What is our first small bet?
Hypothesis: Implement a Google CR Community to test concepts
Web team
Smoking jacket ($49.99)
Talk to Geoff
Owner of IT community
Create Google community
Make video to intro community (Geoff)
Add video to community
Email invite to CR
Check results
Get feedback during 3Q in community
Idea: gWiz
Questions: How will we get employees to engage? How will we track employee engagement (overall interactions on gWiz)?
iPhone video (to shoot)
iMovie (to edit)
Include Easter egg (to go viral)
Ask Nicholas how we track behavior now.
We can interview 10 potential users.
Drinks and bribes
Free stuff
Set up projector screen and show live feed
Monday (all can be done on Monday)
Create iPhone video and send to NHO cohort to see what happens
A/B test: Leaders (cascades) vs. Influencers
Track where it goes
Leader-led beginning selfie/#bellyeah to test how or if people engage
Elevate multimedia to front-page gWiz feed
Create bell-ringing live story on Snapchat
People can add to live story
Idea: BizBytes/EC does it
Question: How do we roll out juicy bits of news?
GoPro or iPhone
Leader email with video intro
Content creation (IC)
Participation gift
Pick piece of news
Develop content
Exploration, discovery, learning, new questions, and pivots guide development.
When we identify video storyteller
When we have vlog training
When we audit NHO
Stand Up to Cancer
15K employees
Ho-Ho guidelines for the field
When we collaborate with Digital successfully
When we understand what is already being done/considered
When everyone has a mobile device
When employees share content on personal networks
When we have a way to guide new hires for how to connect and get info
When every employee can access mobile, anywhere
When we visit companies and universities to understand what’s happening
When we celebrate boomerangs in a special way
When we do more low-budget videos that are high quality
When we bring in Casey Neistat
When we understand how various groups are feeling about comms, events, etc.
When we figure out how to tell a story in a quick digital format/way
When X% of comms are used for external and internal
When we get a sense of what content and length work
Up to 13 line extensions
When we look at the next 10 DNA News stories to see how we could do one or two of them differently
When we have all employees acting on information
Sustainability milestones
When we don’t have to “gatekeep” news
When we have an Intern Snapchat Video Challenge
Genentech Gives Back Week
When we figure out what Bill likes
When we have nominees for Golden Goats
Science Garage Opening
When GEC bugs us to be involved in program
Tesla 3
When there are ways to participate in events no matter their physical location
Breast Cancer Awareness
When GEC takes to videos
When there is a trending newsfeed across the company
When we get positive feedback
When content is on brand
When all employees know who our leaders are
When we launch a program without a CEO email and/or DNA News
Star Wars VIII Dec 15
Happy Holidays
When we have a unique style and brand
When GEC is
When employees are inspired to create unique content on their own
When the number of inbound questions goes down
When we’re “mobile first”
When we are writing something only one time
When every employee can articulate values and culture
When functions clamor for our content
When employees start asking if they can share internal content externally
When we can show data about success
When all employees can create and post videos
When the folks on the manufacturing floor, deep in the labs, and in the field know what we do
When employee content/comments are on message
When we know what employees will click
When we know what employees are clicking
When everyone has the same elevator pitch
When leaders write their own messages
When print promotions aren’t standard
When employees no longer email questions when the answers are online
When our communications can flex to evolving workplace trends
When there are more boomerangs who become ambassadors
When people are talking about communications
When employees are as obsessed with checking their Genentech social as they are their personal social
When headlines are clickbait/go viral.
When everyone can articulate “Who we (Genentech) are, what we do, and why that matters”
When we know how to measure engagement
When video > email
When long emails go away
When employees share virally so we don’t need to promote programs
When Bill or Geoff is asked to do a TED Talk about comms
When outsiders know about our culture
When we submit to Fortune via a video/photo/Snapchat-style story
When the field doesn’t feel second class
When leaders are creating videos by themselves
When other groups don’t feel the need for their own intranet
When employees can speak with the “right tone and voice”
When other companies are knocking on our door to find out how we do it
When 100% of content that employees get is required or desired
When entitlement goes away
When Roche adopts this approach
When Genentech is a communication case study
When we’re the #1 best company in Fortune
When retention is up and turnover is down
When we are valued for content and feed all functions
When employees want more content
When attraction is at an all-time high
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