Per the pre-Blitz survey
Dream about the difference we might be able to make.
Seek fresh inspiration for status quo–busting ideas.
Imagine what’s possible beyond the biases and orthodoxies that hold us back.
Build to gain greater clarity about the potential of our emerging solutions.
Learn through doing and decrease innovation risk.
Share what we learn and the insights we gain to speed up our time to impact.
Deflection Point
So That...
8-Word Impact
5 Whys
Loathe to Love
Draw It
In a Box
Love & Loathe
Impact x Doability
Matters Most
Dog in a Hat
Over the course of the GPPLT Blitz we were able to identify those initiatives that the GPPLT should continue to lead. We used “In or Out”—a Move Fast drill—to help us decide which initiatives to retain, reassign, or retire.
We used “Waypoints”—a Move Fast Drill—to identify our 2016 goals and priorities—and beyond.
Speak with one voice
We care for each other
Ways of Working:
GPPLT decision making
Open, honest discussion with one voice
Support each other
Constructive conflict
Governance at all levels
Way of Working:
Transparent structure
Portfolio management
Giving back to the community
Known for delivery
Fast and bold decision making
Career path mapping and exchange
Procurement processes and value proposition become part of employee induction process
Seek expert advice
Value Delivery:
Revenue generation
Value Delivery:
Empowered to really deliver innovation to Roche
Easy to work with
Ways of Working:
Having the resources to support growth of the business
Value Delivery:
Easy to engage
Risk takers
We are excellent communicators: verbal, written, everyday work
Business, not procurement
Value Delivery:
Suppliers recognize Roche for our unique and exceptional SEM
Strategic mindset
Entrepreneurs and leading organization
Free of bureaucracy
Value Delivery:
Bold strategies that deliver value
Game changers
Known as business leaders
We are business
Systems & Processes:
Eliminate poor quality
Easy, effective system
Super-simple transparent process
Having the best & most state-of-the art tools and systems
Value Proposition:
Find the best innovation of the market and be recognized
for it
We are a talent magnet
Ways of Working:
Effective knowledge sharing across functions
Value Delivery:
Fast and efficient enablers
Ways of Working:
One global organization
Procurement business partners sit with all leadership teams
Systems & Processes:
Optimized processes
Clear and user friendly
Systems & Processes:
Exceptional data transparency
Value Delivery:
Procurement provides business insights
Cutting edge
Systems & Processes:
Provide Roche employees with cool automation
Value Delivery:
Recognized for delivering supplier innovation that impacts patients’ lives
Value Delivery:
Helping to create new economies in emerging markets
Partner with PP to bring deals to Roche
Have 3 potential GMs in GPP
New name for Procurement
Value Delivery:
We serve patients...not only for Roche
There’s a pull
We used “Matters Most”—a Move Fast drill—and “Draw It”—a Make Stuff drill—to identify critical moments during which we might deliver value to key constituents. We created drawings to explore how One Procurement might show up at these important moments.
We used “In a Box”—a Make Stuff drill—to tell the One Procurement story to three important audiences.
We used “Deflection Point”—a Be Bold drill—to imagine the future if nothing in Procurement changed and to explore the kind of transformation we might be able to lead as One Procurement.
Provide expert advice
Become a talent magnet
Be an attractive workplace
Be attractive to work for
Be known as business leaders
Deliver procurement excellence
Have 3 GMs in GPP
Grow diversity
Ensure that procurement processes and value proposition are part of employee induction process
Develop verbal, written, and leadership communication skills in all procurement people
Have fun!
Be proactive
Show we care for each other
Support each other
Take risks
Be dynamic
Grow reputation for delivering
Engage in constructive conflict
Prove we are innovators
Be strong
Be easy to work with
Speak with one voice
Be entrepreneurial and lead organization
Be empowered to really deliver innovation to Roche
Be the business
Adopt a strategic and entrepreneurial mindset
Conceive of bold strategies that deliver value
Change the game
Put patients first
Partner within PP to drive deals to Roche
Help to create new economies in emerging markets
Have the best state-of-the art systems (now)
Have Roche Procurement Technology & Tools be recognized as best in class
Design and implement easy and effective systems
Provide Roche employees with cool automation
Provide exceptional data transparency
Implement super-simple, transparent processes
Be free of bureaucracy
Share knowledge effectively across functions
Eliminate poor-quality service
Fast and bold decision making
Link governance at all levels of organization to performance management
Be fast and efficient enablers
Have open and honest discussions with One Voice
Focus less on internal issues
Have a transparent structure
Have one global organization
Have the resources to support the growth of the business
Find the best innovation in the market—and be known for it
Map career paths and facilitate employee exchanges
Be the cutting edge of procurement
Be easy to engage
Seat Procurement Business partners with all Leadership Teams
Generate revenue
Become recognized for delivering supply innovation that impacts patients’ lives
Deliver insights to the business
Create pull for One Procurement’s services
We used “Moonshot”—another Be Bold drill—to envision initiatives with the potential to benefit millions of people. We started to shape a shared vision of what impact means to us, what we aspire to accomplish, and why we believe it is possible.
We used “So That...”—a Be Bold drill—to explore how we wanted to go about doing the business of One Procurement and the kind of results that we might produce.
In a way that new capabilities develop in EM so that new customer buying power is created, jobs are created, we strengthen society, and bring healthcare to more people.
In a way that taps into our capabilities and the experiences of others (such as Bill Gates) so that we offer a comprehensive, sustainable solution.
In a way that engages key stakeholders
so that we gain trust and support.
In a way that leverages our suppliers
so that it’s faster.
In a way that is innovative and limits barriers
so that we read emerging markets.
In a way that shortens timelines so that we have a bigger pipeline.
In a way that makes people want to follow us so that we have a higher share of voice.
In a way that allows people to support us
so that we are able to design an overall system.
In a way that allows diagnosis, access, and treatment to cure cancer so that patients are cured.
In a way that is affordable so that people can afford it.
In a way that is compelling so that we have a relationship to management.
In a way that creates passion for patients
so that we offer a better quality of life.
We used “Eulogy”—a Be Bold drill—to explore what our legacy might be, the obstacles we might overcome, and what people might miss most if we were gone. This drill helped us aim even higher for what we might accomplish together—and produced new and compelling language to describe our value and why One Procurement might matter.
We can build strong societies in EM with our strategic vision and courage.
We can make the healthcare pie bigger.
We can improve the quality of life around the world because what we build is sustainable, ensured by our procurement.
We can save more lives because we will provide treatments faster and at lower costs.
We will change our patients’ lives by being invaluable to them.
We will be the glue for our patients.
We will cure cancer so that people will live longer and healthier lives and will be able to give back.
We will bring different cultures together and leverage that diversity in our companies, governments, and agencies.
We will be passionate about doing the right thing.
We used “Loathe to Love”—a Let Go drill—to generate ideas for how we might make One Procurement even more compelling.
Unclear R&R
TOM to JDs
Governance model with RACI
Communicate and keep current
Too many committee meetings
Slow or lack of decision making
Government model RACI
Simplify structure of “procurement”
Increase empowerment and push decision making down
Streamline number of projects into a portfolio
Develop an operating rhythm
Lack of one voice
Alignment of messages across organization
Clear and simple
Sourcing cards
Lack of transparency
User-friendly and clear reporting systems
Leverage third parties
Improve reporting, analytics, and data present
Reporting factor
IT support
Stronger alliance with finance
It’s my budget
It’s our budget
Become bus. function vs. support group
Too many rules
Clearly defined process
Most important rules
Lack of prioritization
Value messaging
Implement portfolio
Cancel dead-end portfolio
Economy class
Instead of travel
Provide bunny suits (gowning made from plants)
It's all about savings
Convey savings into clinical trials
Reward all value
Stop talking about savings
Simplify governance
Explain the why
Embrace “it is what it is” acceptance
Push down decision making
Streamline our wants
Lack of portfolio
Prioritize and build portfolio
Revisit decisions
Courageous leadership
Simplify and stop what slows you down
Pre-alignment meeting
Eliminate meeting
3 bids and a buy
Explain the why
No clear contact
Online contact list
Pay performance
Transparency about process
Understand funding
Explain KC process
Demystify compliance
We used “5 Whys”—a Be Bold drill—to get beyond the immediate definitions so that we might understand more fully the real potential for One Procurement to make a difference.
Engage Our People.
Why that matters:
Eliminate duplication, become more efficient, share aligned goals, impact, speed up our process
Why that matters:
Motivate, focus, move faster, progress, plan and execute better, simplify communication, SPOC to supplies, share best practices
Why that matters:
High energy and able contribution, impact, get the best out of our people, develop and grow
Why that matters:
Workplace fulfillment, pride, sense of accomplishment, great place to work
Align with Business Partners.
Why that matters:
Clarity for suppliers, ease, consistency, one system, higher core value, simplify, understand context and ideas, innovative ideas, no duplications, spend transparently
Why that matters:
Focus on business and other opportunities, impact on P+L, repurposing, do more with less, enables procurement-engaged suppliers
Why that matters:
Discover new opportunities, more value, supplier value regulation, agile, new business areas TA's, etc., innovation
Why that matters:
Helping patients, changing the world, growth, new markets, push boundaries
Why that matters:
Meaning, purpose, joy, fulfilling work, changing the world, $, productivity in the economy
Increase Benefits for Suppliers.
Why that matters:
Global $ big fish, better access to Roche, one=stop shop, ease to do business, we are global, partner of choice, more and consistent
Why that matters:
Partners grow their business and reputation, scale up, become more competitive, leads to more business
Why that matters:
Employ more and better people, efficiencies, flexibility
Why that matters:
Greater innovations
Why that matters:
$, greater successes