Next Cycle
Stage 2
Formulate to Incubate
Ensure that a core number of people across your organization quickly acquire and apply the practical know-how to seek, frame, and prioritize challenges and opportunities to address strategic imperatives and generate the most value for your organization, while simultaneously managing risk—solving the wrong problem well is counterproductive at best.
The following frameworks will help you guide your people to next.
Deflection Point
Challenge Map
Triple Ex
The Super Seven
Formulate Next
Challenge Hypothesis
Validate Next
Prioritize Next Challenge Hypotheses and Plan Incubation
Moments that Matter (onsite templates)
When you want to establish why you are establishing your Next System.
When you want your executive team to use a shared set of frameworks to organize your Next Thinking and Action.
When you want to build a shared understanding of the elements of your Next System among your Next Executives.
When you want to understand how to frame and prioritize strategic opportunities for growth and impact.