This Inspiration File will provide context and inspiration as we prepare to address the following challenge at the SBD Supply Chain Blitz:
How might we synchronize the flow of information and goods in the construction supply chain with the demand of projects;
In ways that allow stakeholders to make more informed decisions;
So that the right people are able to work on the right tasks at the right time—while improving the quality of work done and margins for everyone in the chain?
To prepare for our time together please review the following white papers, videos, and articles. We hope that you find this useful in preparation for our upcoming Blitz.
Challenge Context
“Global Trends” Excerpt:
The World as Urban
Read this highlighted excerpt from Global Trends 2030
for a broad perspective on mega trends and scenarios that
may affect all of us in the relative near-term.
Construction Supply Chain Preliminary Findings
Supply Chain Pain Points
Take a look at 10 common pain points in today’s supply
chain management process.
The Real Future of Work
Beyond automation, this article outlines the changes in the US labor market
over the last two decades and makes predictions about the future.
Emerging Trends
Four Emerging Supply Chain Trends for 2019
“Supply chains around the world are being transformed. External
pressures, technology trends and internal evolution are prompting companies to reevaluate their network to determine how their future supply chain should be structured, both in terms of capacity and capabilities. What should you do now? A good first step is to consider the broad ongoing trends that will impact the supply chain of the future.”
The Optimist’s Guide to the Robot Apocalypse
While very few jobs will be completely automated, most jobs will have many of their elements automated over the next 10 years. This article paints a level-headed picture of the future of AI.
Improving and Optimizing
the Supply Chain
Supply Chain Improvement in Construction Industry
“The aim of this research study report is to provide a set of propositions for improving construction supply chain management such as benchmarking, improvement of suppliers/subcontractors performance, elimination of waste, training and information sharing between parts of the supply chain.”
Five Surprising Ted Talks for Supply Chain and Logistics Professionals
These 5 Ted Talks will inspire you to think about the
numerous ways Supply Chains can be optimized.
Top 10 Supply Chain Management Softwares
Take a look at the top 10 companies for supply chain management (SCM) software based on revenue, how they have grown and why they stand out.
Disruption in Distribution and Construction
The Coming Shakeout in Industrial Distribution
“In this report, we present an overview of the industrial distribution industry, including performance across subsectors. We then describe some of the many challenges and opportunities we see on the horizon, and we conclude by outlining the five main advantages that we believe will distinguish outperformers in the decade ahead.”
Deloitte Consulting: “Wholesale Distribution Disrupted”
“Indeed, we are convinced that the next three to five years will see a marked bifurcation in the industry between those visionary distributors who chart a new course for their businesses (distributors of the future) and those who are constrained by orthodoxies and whose businesses face inexorable decline.”
Modular Construction Disruption
“For decades, construction has lagged behind other sectors in productivity. Modular construction offers the industry an opportunity to make a step change: shifting many aspects of building activity away from traditional construction sites and into factories with off-site, manufacturing-style production.”