Think Wrong Blitz Roles
Oversees production for Blitz including venue selection, ordering materials, room set up, engaging culineer, photo and video documentation, and creation of post Blitz report and T-shirt.
Client Support
Someone inside the client organization that coordinates with the Blitz producer to handle logistics and needs of Wrong Thinkers.
Leads and instructs Blitz Drills and activities
Provides support before and during the Blitz such as room set up, prepping the days materials, transitioning between activities, and photo and video documentation.
A Wrong Thinker outside of the client organization who brings new insight and expertise to the challenge.
A Wrong Thinker who helps visualize emerging solutions and bring ideas to life through illustration and rapid prototyping.
Think Wrong Blitz Terms
Dog in a Hat
The hard to forget, sticky ideas that keep you up at night or revisit you in the morning--"check out the dog in the hat!"
How do-able an idea is on a scale from “nearly impossible” to “dead simple”.
Forces that obstruct our progress and snap us back back to the status quo.
Forces that accelerate our progress and keep us on the Bold Path
When Statements
Yes, and statements
In a Way that, so that:
Step back and consider the mindset and values you want to bring to your challenge—and the difference those will make.